Friday 6 May 2011

Why Does Deforestation Happen

Why Does Deforestation Happen

It is at increasingly alarming rates at which deforestation runs right now. More than 80% of the forested areas have been compromised since the year 2003. If you try to take a look at the satellite overviews of deforested sites, you can almost actually see that there is nothing left of the green lands that we richly used to possess.

Now, you can only watch bits and pieces of it floating separately and widely away from each other. Controlling deforestation is a controversial issue these days; and the means of plotting the rate is available for man to use. However, man could be the only key for the future survival of the planet. Without much enthusiasm and care for the remaining part of nature, it is likely to flourish one day without us knowing about it.

The Earth is totally threatened by the loss of nature because it remains to be our number one hope in breathing and living on this planet. Unbeknownst to many, the biggest forests are the homes of carbon and the lungs of the earth. Without them functioning properly, our vital means to live will be lost; and there is no way of taking it back anymore. The support nature gives us should be repaid with utmost care and affection. Man should follow the path to nature restoration before everything else gets out of control.

Simple Ways You Can Do To Preserve Nature

There are complex ways where we can reach our hands out to nature. First, distinguish environmental necessities from luxuries. The latter are the ones that are nice to have but are actually costless. Necessities are the basic things we must have in order to survive. Combat ecological change through knowing what can be eliminated and what should be retained. All that threatens nature, safety of the people, and health should be disregarded.

Simple ways such as saving paper, fixing car fumes, and lessening energy consumption could always be ways to help nature minimize the floating carbon dioxide in the air. These greenhouse gasses are answerable for destroying the ozone, which then is responsible for the UV rays coming in. You see, if we do not take part in the preservation of wildlife, we can lose the battle at any time of the day.

Bigger contributions to nature's rehabilitation are replanting and controlling the degree of damage to the forested lands. Government policies should strictly be implemented and followed. Illegal use of the forest and its natural inhabitants should thus be constrained. If people are governed by laws which threaten them, they will surely back off from any unlawful and illegitimate activity.

The Future Paths

The future path of deforestation actually depends on human answers and decisions. The endpoint is obviously fatal if things continually get out of hand. Various remodeling and rebuilding efforts are on the move right now; and if the trends continue to rise the good way, the scenario can be totally overwhelming.

Government reinforcement should clearly be demonstrated to finally control deforestation rates and to put unlawful programs to an end. Creation of repression and reserves are the measures used to finally stop unauthorized practice. If things go about this way, and if people are eager to follow, the future path of the world can clearly be predicted.

The critical step to controlling deforestation is asking people to join. Without the world's largest number of inhabitants on the move, our drive to halt deforestation could not take place. The support that the government and the citizens can give is the most crucial ingredient to finally say goodbye to such unlawful practice.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Root Causes of Deforestation

The Root Causes of Deforestation

Almost one-third of the earth's land is covered with forest. They play an important role in sustaining life. They house over 60% of the world's biodiversity and provide human beings with many products such as food, medicine, fuel, lumber, paper etc. Aside from the numerous products that can be acquired from the forests, they also play very important ecological roles by stopping erosion, protecting the watershed, controlling stream and river flows, regulating atmospheric conditions, and preventing flooding and landslides.

But because of several reasons, this valuable ecosystem is rapidly disappearing in various parts of the world. Deforestation rates have increased since the 1980s. To date, according to the estimate given by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, a group responsible for the forests, deforestation rates have accelerated during the 1990s translating to 10.14 million hectares of denuded forests from 1990-2000 and to 10.4 million hectares in the period of 2000-2005.

Deforestation and forest degradation occur in response to policy, market and institutional signals. It is the result of the interaction of many environmental, economic, social, cultural and political conditions in any given region.

There are two main causes of deforestation. The primary and most common reasons for deforestation are known as the direct causes. Logging, overpopulation, urbanization, dam construction etc are under direct causes. The other main cause of deforestation is known as natural causes since they are brought by the Mother Nature.

Rapid population growth has resulted to the conversion of forest areas to non-forest lands for settlement and farming. Together with this is urbanization and residential area expansion. This takes a significant loss of forest lands both for harvesting forest products as more people need more lumber to build their houses and for developing the greater area their houses, malls, business centers will be built.

An increase in population also means an increase in produce consumption. Thus, rainforests are destroyed and converted to cattle pasture to supply the burgeoning demand for meat. In Central America, almost half of the rainforests have been slashed and burned for cattle farming in order comply with foreign demands. Twenty-five per cent of the Amazon's forests have also been destroyed for cattle ranches.

Lack of government legislation for land reforms has also cleared the forest especially in developing countries like of the South East Asian nations. People in that region are among the poorest in the world and are desperate for a piece of land. Unequal distribution of resources has led these people to find their way to exploit the forests.

Another reason that denudes the forest is exploitative economic development schemes and the powerlessness of government to safeguard its resources. Poor countries in their attempt to increase their revenues are in a way exploiting their resources like the forests. Timber is exported to reduce the national debt. Countries rich in mineral resources open their doors to multinational mining corporations that clear the forests as they go with their operations. The government especially those belonging in the Third World cannot curb commercial logging and implement a total log ban in exchange to higher foreign exchange rates. Development projects like dams, roads, and airports contracted by the government also cause deforestation.

While most causes of deforestation occur due to human activities, there are uncontrolled causes of deforestation such as forest fires, volcanic eruption, and typhoon.

Forest fires are started by lightning, and strong winds help to spread the flames. Drought in the forest has increased the amount of flammable bush and debris on the forest floor. Forest fires destroy immeasurable amount of valuable timber. They kill not only trees but also other living things.

Meanwhile, volcanic eruption is one of the several natural forces capable of causing damage to forests. The ashes emitted during the eruption coat tree leaves, which then interfere with photosynthesis. Animal population is also devastated. The organisms that survive have to cope with the changed habitat and reduced food supplies.

Last is typhoon. These are violent storms when fierce winds destroy much of the island's rain forest.

People can only hope that the uncontrollable forces causing deforestation would not do great damage. However, right decisions and good actions must be taken to address the problems brought by the other reasons of deforestation where the cause and the end result is at the hands of the people.

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Sunday 1 May 2011

Tropical Deforestation It's Destroying The Earth

Tropical Deforestation It’s Destroying The Earth

Tropical forests constitute about 7% of the earth’s land area; and about 90% of it has already been destroyed. Can you imagine what the world would be like if all untouched areas of the earth will be totally depleted? A number of problems could definitely arise, from long term ailments to environmental crisis and even cultural problems. Truly, the dilemma that humans cause nature will result to a wide variety of far greater civilization troubles.

Although such things are hard to realize presently, all will be aware of it if the burden becomes thicker and heavier through time. Hence, when all else is still changeable in tropical deforestation, people should be one in taking care of nature and nourishing it rather than slowly parasitizing its values.

Perhaps the one thing that's difficult to change in people is the attitude. They only regret when everything becomes inevitable already. If changes could be made somehow, then there would be likely chances of world and population survival in the coming generations ahead. Remember, there are millions of people to be born and would inhabit the earth after us. Making the world a better place for them to live in could very well be the best gift that we could offer.

Destruction Through Tropical Deforestation

Human doings have considerably distorted the natural dissemination of forests through history. Tropical deforestation and habitat annihilation is relentlessly crippling the forest ecosystem. Forests are being destroyed at a rate faster than you can ever imagine; and with habitant obliteration comes the demise of species too.

Apart from all those mentioned, tropical deforestation makes up for the reason why the cooling system of the earth around its equator has been disrupted. Climate changes have been noticed to cover all of the earth due to the accelerating number of tropical forest damage. Fall of two or more trees have been proven to cause much effects on the earth's environment and atmosphere as well. This goes to show how important it is to preserve whatever natural resources we have for the betterment of our world.

People may have never thought that the scattered tropical forests are the lungs of our world. They may simply think of them as absorbers of Carbon Dioxide; but no, they are mainly the chief organs working in the earth to put off and eliminate any form of toxics that comes in. These hidden facts are unknown to many and should be brought up in people's minds so they can find more means for the earth's longer years of survival.

Ways Of Halting Destruction

The only known way to halt the destruction of tropical forests is to stop all activities which lead to the act. Hence, lawful practices should be strictly provided and shall bow on no one. Even in tropical deforestation, there is no one above the law. Conscientiousness should also run from every individual in this planet; without such, people will keep on destroying our natural environment.

We also need honest and responsible people to lead our world in the fight against biologic killing. Again, not one person can be exempted from the rules which only aim to safeguard our future and the coming generations as well.

The means of stopping tropical deforestation and healing the earth are definitely huge steps to carry on; it needs people who are dependable and devoted to nature in every way possible. Unless this consciousness seeps through our veins, there is definitely no other way to save earth.