Friday 6 May 2011

Why Does Deforestation Happen

Why Does Deforestation Happen

It is at increasingly alarming rates at which deforestation runs right now. More than 80% of the forested areas have been compromised since the year 2003. If you try to take a look at the satellite overviews of deforested sites, you can almost actually see that there is nothing left of the green lands that we richly used to possess.

Now, you can only watch bits and pieces of it floating separately and widely away from each other. Controlling deforestation is a controversial issue these days; and the means of plotting the rate is available for man to use. However, man could be the only key for the future survival of the planet. Without much enthusiasm and care for the remaining part of nature, it is likely to flourish one day without us knowing about it.

The Earth is totally threatened by the loss of nature because it remains to be our number one hope in breathing and living on this planet. Unbeknownst to many, the biggest forests are the homes of carbon and the lungs of the earth. Without them functioning properly, our vital means to live will be lost; and there is no way of taking it back anymore. The support nature gives us should be repaid with utmost care and affection. Man should follow the path to nature restoration before everything else gets out of control.

Simple Ways You Can Do To Preserve Nature

There are complex ways where we can reach our hands out to nature. First, distinguish environmental necessities from luxuries. The latter are the ones that are nice to have but are actually costless. Necessities are the basic things we must have in order to survive. Combat ecological change through knowing what can be eliminated and what should be retained. All that threatens nature, safety of the people, and health should be disregarded.

Simple ways such as saving paper, fixing car fumes, and lessening energy consumption could always be ways to help nature minimize the floating carbon dioxide in the air. These greenhouse gasses are answerable for destroying the ozone, which then is responsible for the UV rays coming in. You see, if we do not take part in the preservation of wildlife, we can lose the battle at any time of the day.

Bigger contributions to nature's rehabilitation are replanting and controlling the degree of damage to the forested lands. Government policies should strictly be implemented and followed. Illegal use of the forest and its natural inhabitants should thus be constrained. If people are governed by laws which threaten them, they will surely back off from any unlawful and illegitimate activity.

The Future Paths

The future path of deforestation actually depends on human answers and decisions. The endpoint is obviously fatal if things continually get out of hand. Various remodeling and rebuilding efforts are on the move right now; and if the trends continue to rise the good way, the scenario can be totally overwhelming.

Government reinforcement should clearly be demonstrated to finally control deforestation rates and to put unlawful programs to an end. Creation of repression and reserves are the measures used to finally stop unauthorized practice. If things go about this way, and if people are eager to follow, the future path of the world can clearly be predicted.

The critical step to controlling deforestation is asking people to join. Without the world's largest number of inhabitants on the move, our drive to halt deforestation could not take place. The support that the government and the citizens can give is the most crucial ingredient to finally say goodbye to such unlawful practice.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Root Causes of Deforestation

The Root Causes of Deforestation

Almost one-third of the earth's land is covered with forest. They play an important role in sustaining life. They house over 60% of the world's biodiversity and provide human beings with many products such as food, medicine, fuel, lumber, paper etc. Aside from the numerous products that can be acquired from the forests, they also play very important ecological roles by stopping erosion, protecting the watershed, controlling stream and river flows, regulating atmospheric conditions, and preventing flooding and landslides.

But because of several reasons, this valuable ecosystem is rapidly disappearing in various parts of the world. Deforestation rates have increased since the 1980s. To date, according to the estimate given by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, a group responsible for the forests, deforestation rates have accelerated during the 1990s translating to 10.14 million hectares of denuded forests from 1990-2000 and to 10.4 million hectares in the period of 2000-2005.

Deforestation and forest degradation occur in response to policy, market and institutional signals. It is the result of the interaction of many environmental, economic, social, cultural and political conditions in any given region.

There are two main causes of deforestation. The primary and most common reasons for deforestation are known as the direct causes. Logging, overpopulation, urbanization, dam construction etc are under direct causes. The other main cause of deforestation is known as natural causes since they are brought by the Mother Nature.

Rapid population growth has resulted to the conversion of forest areas to non-forest lands for settlement and farming. Together with this is urbanization and residential area expansion. This takes a significant loss of forest lands both for harvesting forest products as more people need more lumber to build their houses and for developing the greater area their houses, malls, business centers will be built.

An increase in population also means an increase in produce consumption. Thus, rainforests are destroyed and converted to cattle pasture to supply the burgeoning demand for meat. In Central America, almost half of the rainforests have been slashed and burned for cattle farming in order comply with foreign demands. Twenty-five per cent of the Amazon's forests have also been destroyed for cattle ranches.

Lack of government legislation for land reforms has also cleared the forest especially in developing countries like of the South East Asian nations. People in that region are among the poorest in the world and are desperate for a piece of land. Unequal distribution of resources has led these people to find their way to exploit the forests.

Another reason that denudes the forest is exploitative economic development schemes and the powerlessness of government to safeguard its resources. Poor countries in their attempt to increase their revenues are in a way exploiting their resources like the forests. Timber is exported to reduce the national debt. Countries rich in mineral resources open their doors to multinational mining corporations that clear the forests as they go with their operations. The government especially those belonging in the Third World cannot curb commercial logging and implement a total log ban in exchange to higher foreign exchange rates. Development projects like dams, roads, and airports contracted by the government also cause deforestation.

While most causes of deforestation occur due to human activities, there are uncontrolled causes of deforestation such as forest fires, volcanic eruption, and typhoon.

Forest fires are started by lightning, and strong winds help to spread the flames. Drought in the forest has increased the amount of flammable bush and debris on the forest floor. Forest fires destroy immeasurable amount of valuable timber. They kill not only trees but also other living things.

Meanwhile, volcanic eruption is one of the several natural forces capable of causing damage to forests. The ashes emitted during the eruption coat tree leaves, which then interfere with photosynthesis. Animal population is also devastated. The organisms that survive have to cope with the changed habitat and reduced food supplies.

Last is typhoon. These are violent storms when fierce winds destroy much of the island's rain forest.

People can only hope that the uncontrollable forces causing deforestation would not do great damage. However, right decisions and good actions must be taken to address the problems brought by the other reasons of deforestation where the cause and the end result is at the hands of the people.

For more information now go to:

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Sunday 1 May 2011

Tropical Deforestation It's Destroying The Earth

Tropical Deforestation It’s Destroying The Earth

Tropical forests constitute about 7% of the earth’s land area; and about 90% of it has already been destroyed. Can you imagine what the world would be like if all untouched areas of the earth will be totally depleted? A number of problems could definitely arise, from long term ailments to environmental crisis and even cultural problems. Truly, the dilemma that humans cause nature will result to a wide variety of far greater civilization troubles.

Although such things are hard to realize presently, all will be aware of it if the burden becomes thicker and heavier through time. Hence, when all else is still changeable in tropical deforestation, people should be one in taking care of nature and nourishing it rather than slowly parasitizing its values.

Perhaps the one thing that's difficult to change in people is the attitude. They only regret when everything becomes inevitable already. If changes could be made somehow, then there would be likely chances of world and population survival in the coming generations ahead. Remember, there are millions of people to be born and would inhabit the earth after us. Making the world a better place for them to live in could very well be the best gift that we could offer.

Destruction Through Tropical Deforestation

Human doings have considerably distorted the natural dissemination of forests through history. Tropical deforestation and habitat annihilation is relentlessly crippling the forest ecosystem. Forests are being destroyed at a rate faster than you can ever imagine; and with habitant obliteration comes the demise of species too.

Apart from all those mentioned, tropical deforestation makes up for the reason why the cooling system of the earth around its equator has been disrupted. Climate changes have been noticed to cover all of the earth due to the accelerating number of tropical forest damage. Fall of two or more trees have been proven to cause much effects on the earth's environment and atmosphere as well. This goes to show how important it is to preserve whatever natural resources we have for the betterment of our world.

People may have never thought that the scattered tropical forests are the lungs of our world. They may simply think of them as absorbers of Carbon Dioxide; but no, they are mainly the chief organs working in the earth to put off and eliminate any form of toxics that comes in. These hidden facts are unknown to many and should be brought up in people's minds so they can find more means for the earth's longer years of survival.

Ways Of Halting Destruction

The only known way to halt the destruction of tropical forests is to stop all activities which lead to the act. Hence, lawful practices should be strictly provided and shall bow on no one. Even in tropical deforestation, there is no one above the law. Conscientiousness should also run from every individual in this planet; without such, people will keep on destroying our natural environment.

We also need honest and responsible people to lead our world in the fight against biologic killing. Again, not one person can be exempted from the rules which only aim to safeguard our future and the coming generations as well.

The means of stopping tropical deforestation and healing the earth are definitely huge steps to carry on; it needs people who are dependable and devoted to nature in every way possible. Unless this consciousness seeps through our veins, there is definitely no other way to save earth.

Thursday 28 April 2011

The Global Warming and Deforestation

The Global Warming and Deforestation

Global warming has serious consequences to the life of earth. The past few years has witnessed a rise in the levels of the seas and increase in the overall temperature of the planet. One of the main causes of this serious threat can be attributed to deforestation. Mankind has been cutting trees indiscriminately for his own use.

Tremendous urbanization has reduced the overall forest coverage in the world. We all know that how much trees are necessary for maintaining the ecological balance of the earth. Trees help in extracting water from the soil, and thereby releasing this moisture into the air. Indiscriminate felling of trees results in the disturbances of water cycle resulting in a drier atmosphere. Deforestation increases not just the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, but also other greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide and methane lock the atmospheric heat and ultimately cause an increase in the atmospheric temperature.

Deforestation not only causes global warming, but it also has serious implications on the Earth's bio-diversity. Many of the species in the earth are dependent on plants and trees for food. Cutting of trees will remove their source of food gradually and subsequently leading towards extinction of variety of species living in earth.

Deforestation is seen as the prime concern for environmentalists and they have suggested that unless quick measures are not taken to arrest this problem, it would further lead to devastating effects on Earth.

We often complain about extreme weather conditions, or climate change. However, instead of cribbing, we must ensure that deforestation is stopped and plantation is given due importance. This will help to reverse some of the adverse effects of deforestation and also control the alarming effects of global warming.

About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in environmental and energy conservation. He also offers top quality articles like:
Global Warming Definition, Major Greenhouse Gases

Article Source:

Monday 25 April 2011

Why Rainforest Deforestation Must Stop

Why Rainforest Deforestation Must Stop

Rainforest deforestation is as old as civilization. Whenever cities have needed more fuel and more space they just go and chop down a piece of forest. This has had serious consequences in the past. The Middle East and Sahara desert were once heavily forested areas. They became desert at the hand of man. However until recently deforestation only had local impacts, it was never a global issue.

Civilization has expanded to the point now where there is no more space on this planet left to grow into. There are no new continents to go and discover. Our penchant for growth means we are zeroing in on the last remaining rainforests for timber and space for more farmland.

This is a serious problem for the future of the earth's biosphere and the integrity of the ecosystems that dwell in it. If we keep destroying our last remaining rainforests the water cycle will be disrupted, farmland will become unproductive and the land will become an eroded desert.

The Role Of The Rainforest

Rainforests act as a water filter. They prevent the groundwater from becoming too salty by keeping the salts deep in the earth. When the rainforest in razed the salts rise to the surface. This makes water undrinkable and prevents crops from growing in fields.

Many timber companies that cut down old growth forests justify their actions be claiming that replanting new trees mitigates the damage. But reseeded saplings cannot replace a rainforest. They cannot perform the same functions. They have less leaf surface area than rainforest trees and because they lack diversity they are extremely vulnerable to infection.

A Deep Ecological Attitude Towards Rainforests

Conventional ecological thinking would argue that we must save the rainforests because they are crucial to human survival. That is true. But deep ecological thinking would go further to say that these are not our forests in the first place.

Humans do not own the world or own the forests. It is not our prerogative to decide what their fate is. Rainforests are home to millions of plant and animal species. They deserve the right to flourish and nothing gives us the right to take that away from them.

Rainforest deforestation has to stop for the good of the biosphere and so humans can stop destroying creation and take their place as a functional member of the community of life.

About The Author: Thomas is a writer whose passion is Deep Ecology. This is a world-view that sees a value in nature regardless of its usefulness to humans. It is partly about saving the world but primarily about creating a better place for humans to live. Living as part of the community of life and not apart from it is a much richer and more satisfying way of life. But in order to live as part of the community we have to stop destroying the rest of life through rainforest deforestation and other means. We have to let the rest of life flourish.

For more free articles, videos, books and interviews visit Deep Ecology Hub.

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Friday 22 April 2011

Deforestation Solutions And It's Problems

The responsibility of safeguarding our magnificent earth lies in the hands of its populace. Needless to say, we as humans are accountable for preserving our planet. Our actions do major impacts on the natural world; our choices can either revive our Earth or totally annihilate it. The many forested lands are being shattered all over the world, and we must make moves to further pursue the deforestation solutions.

Deforestation is in fact an inescapable problem; it should therefore be addressed to and not put aside. Solutions are needed for this kind of problem if we want to stay away from its consequences. Although smaller forests are but a speck of soil in contrast to the whole land mass of the globe, there is a likelihood that the entire world might one day end up like a wasted place if deforestation persists without fervent actions taken against it.

The False Solutions At Hand

In the past, various solutions have been taken account to for further experiments against what could bring deforestation down. However, some of the solutions failed and some progressed, and here is the list of what should not be considered as a problem solving equation for one of the world's biggest threats: Sustainable Commercial Logging Options, Tropical Forestry Action Plan, Limits of Reserve Strategies, and International Biodiversity Program.

The Sustainable Commercial Logging Options has been considered negligible by most of our environmentalists. Its key concept of permitting logging at a minimal rate resulted to more deforestation events all over the world. People did not seem to listen or to participate in such program since aggressive prohibition of logging was not made.

Second, the TFAP plan which was based on a concept that deforestation problems were due to poverty did not work out as well. Timber harvest was assumed by TFAP to have lifted poverty problems, which only drove all the more to the evils of deforestation.

Strict protective measures to preserve earth through the third plan are only a second and subsidiary form of healing. Instead of dealing directly with the problem, it tends to sidetrack by supporting only one of its branches. What should be done is to have the greatest protection available for our depleted rainforests. In this way, direct controlling of the problem is needed.

The fourth and the last failed plan is International Biodiversity Program which only addresses to the underlying causes of deforestation and not the direct ones. Just like TFAP, such plans also came to end without showing good results.

The Sensible Solutions Toward Deforestation Eradication

Like the false solutions, the world also came up with realistic problem solving ideas which would help in the betterment of the deforestation problems. Some of which include: recognizing the presence of the indigenous people as the original inhabitants of all rainforests over the Earth.

Non-timber values which explain to people that other crops or products can be means of lumber substitute, the impact of debt burden to a country and how the nation can ask for help from the world bank; and lastly, putting an end to over consumption of forest made products.

Whichever deforestation solutions we use, the only thing that actually matters is how the humans react to it. If they give much time and effort for the world's conservation, then the possibilities of reaching that goal would definitely be high.

However, as human concern declines, the rate of deforestation correspondingly grows higher.

Monday 18 April 2011

Rainforest Deforestation and Its Impact

Rainforest Deforestation and Its Impact

As the world population reaches a crescendo, the need for wood in various forms has only increased. Unfortunately, the naturally occurring wood available in rainforests across the world is becoming a victim of our needs. As the world population reaches a crescendo, the deforestation of naturally occurring woodlands are falling prey to human greed. But more than ever before, rainforest deforestation is impacting world climate and becoming a huge concern for the future of the earth. Let's find out what deforestation is, why it occurs, and how it impacts the global climate.

What is deforestation?

When forests that have been created naturally are cut down or burnt by humans in order to use the wood for various purposes, the process is known as deforestation. Sometimes, this process occurs naturally as well. However, most of the times, this is the handiwork of man. Some of the biggest reserves of wood are the Amazon Rainforests in Brazil, the Congo Basin Forests in Africa, and the Indonesian Rainforest in South East Asia. Deforestation can even be caused by soil erosion or naturally occurring jungle fires.

Why does deforestation happen?

There are many reasons for rainforest deforestation. Some of the most common and well-known reasons for this include:

- Fuel: trees or the charcoal derived from them is used as fuel. Oftentimes, charcoal is sold in the market as an alternate means of fuel in many countries. Tree branches are also cut, dried, and used as fuel for cooking etc.

- Land use: For many years, human beings have been cutting down trees in order to clear land so that they can use it as pastures for their livestock. As the human population increases, so does the need to feed livestock. Unfortunately, more and more trees are cut to make way for greener pastures for feeding cows, goats, sheep etc.

- Settlements: As habitable land becomes dearer and dearer, people need cheaper land options for settling down. Rainforests present a wonderful opportunity and therefore, people cut down trees to make way for settlements. These trees are removed without proper care and complete apathy for reforestation.

How deforestation impacts global environment?

As the green cover gets destroyed, the fragile ecosystems get destroyed or become imbalanced. Rainforest deforestation also leads to damaged habitats, loss of biodiversity, imbalance in the microenvironment and aridity. Regions that are deforested get affected by soil erosion and soon than later turn in wastelands. It becomes very difficult for this land to be restored back to its former self. Over the years, these wastelands can even become deserts.

Deforestation also leads to extinction of rare trees, animals, insects, flowers and other naturally occurring things. An ongoing issue in many countries, deforestation must be stopped in order to combat their devastating effects on the global climatic conditions.

While there are many other reasons besides population growth for rainforest deforestation, we must remember that deforestation plays a significant role in shaping the global geography and climate and for this reason alone it must be curbed and combated.

Kelly Hunter owns and operates and writes about Home Weather Stations devices.

Article Source:

Tuesday 12 April 2011

A Deforestation Story

A Deforestation Story

Towards the end of September a community leader from a Shuar village in the province of Morona Santiago came into our offices in Quito looking for help with a problem faced by his community. This story is typical of the sorts of events that are taking place all over Ecuador. It highlights the disadvantages faced by indigenous peoples as they struggle to come to terms with the forces of globalization and the new economic system that it imposes upon them, and demonstrates the impunity with which outside forces can destroy their environment and threaten their culture.

A stranger appeared in their village one day offering to sell them a second-hand generator for $2000 to provide light for their village. The community was keen to purchase the generator, but only had $800 in cash to offer. The stranger said that would do, and that he would take the rest in trees that he and his crew would fell and extract.

Over the next months the man moved in with an expanding crew of loggers and began extracting the biggest and the best specimens from the forests to which the community holds legal title. The villagers have become increasingly distressed to see their forests being destroyed but are powerless to stop the illegal loggers from felling and extracting their trees. The police have shown little serious interest in helping the indigenous population probably receiving regular bribes from the loggers to look the other way.

Now the villagers are asking themselves how they will live once all the trees are gone, and came to us For help in trying to do something before the worst happens.

Ecuador is losing its forests at the rate of nearly 400 hectares per day (550 soccer pitches every day), through illegal logging that is carelessly done and benefits a relatively few dishonest people. Aside from the human catastrophes that result, like the story above, the environmental and ecological impacts are equally grave. These forests are home to many unique species of flaura and fauna. Once they have been cut down these species lose their ecological niches and die out.

To find out more about what Ecotrackers is doing to end illegal logging in Ecuador, and to learn about the various ways that you can help, please click on our home page =>[]

Martijn van Vreeden is currently living and working in Ecuador with Moving Ecuador. He has been working to preserve the biological and cultural diversity of Ecuador. To learn more about his work, please visit the Moving Ecuador website at:

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Monday 11 April 2011

Deforestation Pros And Cons

Humans have done a great damage to Earth. Forests have vanished, biological flora has been cleared to make way for rural lands, towns and metropolitan areas; and industrialization has polluted seas, rivers and the atmosphere.

Governments and conservationists alike have searched for ways to trim down the damage that humans have caused. Although turning back time would never be possible, alternative means to fix the troubles that the humans brought about can be very promising. Knowing the pros and cons of deforestation could give us the proper values to help nurture the earth rather than deplete it of its natural resources.

Could there really be benefits in deforestation? Well, this is one tricky thing to answer. Enumerating its cons is a whole lot simpler though; but to be fair, we will try to know the facts about deforestation, the advantages that the earth and humans can benefit from it, and the many disadvantages that we already know of.

Is There A Truth To Pros In Deforestation?

Although deforestation is not totally good, it has some promising advantages for the people. Its direct purposes have effects which significantly contribute to the atmosphere and to the environment. For example, the cutting of trees lets the carbon dioxide stay on them rather than emit it in the air such that in the case of dying and rotten tress.

Also, much of the vast part of the forest is left unused which can be turned to agricultural sites instead. This way, it will help feed millions of starving people. Some parts of the forest can also be turned into great infrastructures which will give rise to a booming economy, thus helping the people as well. Grazing animals are also one way that deforestation becomes useful. Truly, the advantages could be quite innumerable if summed up. However, weighing the good and harm that deforestation brings should always be considered.

The Countless Flaws Of Deforestation

If the advantages of deforestation are innumerable, its disadvantages come in a million ways. Deforestation introduces numerous community and environmental harms. The abrupt and irreversible consequences of worldwide deforestation are guaranteed to jeopardize the existence of Earth. The domino effect of deforestation includes: extinction of the biodiversity; the annihilation of the indigenous people (local inhabitants of the area); and a global change in climate. One wrong move can lead us all to an empty and meaningless world.

The consequence of deforestation is claimed to be a domino effect because one step to destroying nature will cause the deaths or extinction of many more species. After the death of animal and plant life is the partial loss of human life through poverty and pollution. If things pursue this way, human extinction could also be inevitable. The years are counting, and each day of that year trees are being felled and lands are being abolished of the natural wonders. If the world used to be a better and cleaner place to live in, then we can definitely start to relive those days now.

The only known way to halt this is to put a stop to every cause of deforestation. Regardless of the pros and cons of deforestation, we must only think of one thing, and that is reviving nature while it is still possible to be saved. While there is only an ample amount of time left, we would need it to rebuild nature and stop its total destruction.

Although it couldn't happen in just a click of time, the possibilities are way higher if all races participate in giving back life to the damaged forests. The only way to repay nature is by being kind to it.

Friday 8 April 2011

Some Causes of Deforestation

Some Causes of Deforestation

Imagine what the world would be like in the coming years if the current rate of deforestation runs at 15 hectares annually? In a matter of 30 years, all the untouched areas of Earth can turn into a barren wasteland. In just a snap, all could possibly lead to the deaths of both species and humans alike. Thus, people should take action in order to bring deforestation to a stop.

All the causes of deforestation have high probabilities of getting solved. It only takes patience and discipline to finally make the problem come to an end. Although the road to total closure of deforestation is quite twisted and rough, there would certainly be ways to deal with it if all people in the world are willing to take part in solving the problem.

The Top Five Causes of Deforestation

Every part of the world has varying causes of deforestation; but the top five causes known to afflict all earth are: human made calamities, illegal logging, industrialization, conversion of forests to agricultural landmarks, and oil exploitation. All seem to be stoppable, but it is still a question why the roots of deforestation could never be cut.

Human made calamities such as fire outbreaks are very common sources of forest depletion. Easily but remarkably, the forests can become denuded in no time through huge flames which can either be accidentally done or purposefully started. Some farmers wipe off an entire crop through fire and replant again after a few days. Little do they know that these forest fires emit much carbon dioxide which is very toxic to the atmosphere. Perhaps more education can help them understand why such activities are not permitted.

Illegal logging is also another way that leads to the destruction of plant life. Since there is a need for woods to be used in building houses or in manufacturing furniture, the demand for more trees to be felled is also increased.

Urbanization occurs when vast forest areas are turned into cities. Although this helps the economy grow, we should be reminded of the degree of destruction it can bring. No matter how much we will be needing lands for bigger buildings, the necessity of having a cleaner earth should be given greater attention and concern first.

Due to the population increase, the demand of food supply is also amplified. Thus, the call for establishing wider agricultural areas came to rise. However, with this prospect in mind, forest areas have been compromised and have given in to the birth of newer and heavier obligations such that of feeding the entire population.

Lastly, projects of oil exploitation disturb our untouched resources. The human consumption of oil has grown ever since and thus resulted to the need for massive supply of oil. The search for oil has truly distorted the image of our unscathed land territories.

As you can see, all the causes of deforestation are merely for human consumption. If there is a decrease in demand for such products, there'll probably be a reduction in forest eradication too.

Can The Origins Of Deforestation Be Stopped?

Can deforestation be stopped? Well, the answer to this relies on the humans alone. No one but us can provide a response to this query. Alongside our answers are factors which can affect the rate of deforestation. Some of these factors are: the people involved in the green movement, the number of biological groups around the globe, and the participation of the government and its officials.

However, the outcomes primarily rely on your own responses and actions. You can always contribute to the green movement if you’re determined enough to solve the problems of deforestation. The world needs you and your contributions to finally put an end to this problem.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Amazon Rainforest and It's Deforestation

Amazon Rainforest and It's Deforestation

The main and most important reason why tropical rainforests need to be preserved is the fact that they're enabling life on Earth. Not only are they absorbing carbon dioxide and creating oxygen in the process, they're also regulating temperature and are producing important nutrients like nitrogen and phosphor and are protecting watersheds from erosion of salt as well. Tropical rainforests can be also quite helpful on field of pharmacology and new medication researching because between thousands of different plants that have their habitat here and perhaps they're even hiding potential cure for menaces of the modern world like cancer and AIDS.

But what about their destruction, can this process be stopped? Between 1970 and now, Brazil lost more than 600,000 sq km (232 000 sq miles) of Amazon rainforest which is very disturbing information. Through this article main reasons for such deforestation will be presented and methods that could mean preservation of Amazon rainforest will be pointed out. First let's point out the main reasons that are causing this high amount of deforestation.

Most important deforestation factor is clearing forest area for cattle pasture and it causes 60-70 % of total deforestation. Since cattle breeding is very profitable business and doesn't require high maintenance expenditures and gives very solid profit, it's very clear why such big percent of Amazon forest is being destroyed because of cattle pasture. Increasing number of cattle needs more area on which they can pasture and because of this reason forests are often being replaced by savannas and other coarse grasses.

Second great cause of deforestation is also connected with agriculture but this time with farms. Since most population in Brazil is still very much oriented on agriculture, large areas of forests are being cleared in order to leave more space to cultivable areas, where especially poor farmers are being stimulated by government politics to settle and work on these areas. Since farmers use fire in this process, whole procedure has its negative effect doubled, because not only forests areas are being destroyed but also large quantities of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are being released in atmosphere having negative impact on whole biosystem and polluting air we breathe.

Large growth of cultivable areas is also connected with advanced production of soybean because Brazilian scientists have discovered new sorts of soybean and soybean is very expensive and very appreciated on world market and Brazil has such rapid growth with soybean production that according to some predictions soon will go even past the USA which at this moment holds first place in soybean production. Although many people would think that logging is main cause for such huge deforestation that's not true because it causes only 2-4 % of total deforestation. Tropical rainforests are presenting large source of expensive wood among which special place has precious ebony and that's the reason why illegal logging is so much expanded and profitable business, namely because of high prices of this wood.

Just for example of that in September 2003, 17 people were arrested under incrimination that they destroyed 10 000 hectares of forest area and this is just small drop in the sea of illegal logging. Last factor that causes deforestation is infrastructure building, especially of roads and dams and it makes about 2-4 % of total deforestation.

Famous example of this politic is building of Trans-Amazonian Highway which had its purpose not only in connection between distant places but also in opening of new areas to farmers and easier exploiting of wooden riches. After this famous project was done, deforestation has gone to a whole new level and this presents a real example how building of infrastructure can cause complete ecological chaos. But can these factors be prevented or could they be at least slowed down until the level that could be more tolerable to environment?

There's still hope but only under this conditions.

First of all, former forest areas should be rehabilitated which is not that difficult process if at least small part of former biosystem is saved. Rehabilitation also needs higher productivity of cultivable areas and intellectual approach to agriculture by using modern methods and by influencing on farmers and their ecological conscience which often brakes down the whole procedure. Number of protected forest areas should also be increased and for that strong and systematic politic is needed.

Laws should be very precise and very strict with huge punishments for its offenders, not only fines but also jail sentences for more severe lawbreaking. But the most important thing is to influence on ecological conscience of all people by trying to present them negative consequences of deforestation that could easily cause catastrophic effect to all life on Earth and result in even more expressed climate changes. Only fast intervention on all fields can have success, because humanity needs to find the right way while it still can. To make harmony between ecology and economy is very difficult task but by no means impossible.

Article Source:

Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Current Trends: Deforestation In India Its Overwhelming

The Current Trends: Deforestation In India Its Overwhelming

India's rising population expansion has positioned the country in great environmental strains. The swiftly developing populace, along with the move in the direction of urbanization and industrialization, has sited a considerable demand on India's infrastructure and its biological reserves.

Deforestation in India, together with all its other environmental effects, continues to go downhill and is encumbering trade and industry development in all of India. However, its booming and exploding metropolises are the ones causing their presently detrimental problems.

It is a good thing to know that a single country can be able to stop deforestation even in a gradual progress. However, the other tribulations that India is now facing should also be dealt with in a similar manner. They may have erased their deforestation problems, but other troubles concerning the environment came to take its place. With due hope, all the world is watching over India and its capabilities to fully eliminate their problems that cause disturbance of the balance in nature.

A Quick Look Into The History Of Indian Forest Depletion

The turn of the 19th century marked the start of deforestation in India. In the year 1823, the elect governor of India named Thomas Munro believed that the industrialization process could take heights in the world economy. Having assumed in such matter, he opened forestry programs which then truly created a world of promising economy. However, this was also the start of nature's fall in India. The long logging problems of over 4 years covered the entire nation; and its forests, like other jungles in the world, was buffeted by a sudden impact of stress.

It was only through the Act of 1878 that the Indian forests began to be protected by the government. For 50 years, the Indian forested lands truly suffered and at the same time prospered from an economy that is not theirs.

Today, vast environmental projects have been and are being practiced in India. The systems include tree planting, preservation of the non-damaged part of their nature, and penalties for the ones going above the prohibitions set. Incentives were also given to the minorities who learned how to adhere to the government's policies regarding nature safeguarding. Truly, India has one of the most remarkable ways of saving the world from extermination.

Why Deforestation In India Took Place

Unknown to many, the Indian nation accounts for the biggest number of the underprivileged in the entire world, many of whom rely completely or implicitly on green areas for a living. Poverty, as well as the huge and escalating human population, places indefatigable pressure on the forested parts of India. The end result is serious dilapidation of the country’s woodland resources.

The administration has made an effort to slow down losses to its jungles and enlarge tree shelter through a sequence of plans with backing from the World Bank. It has the largest participating funds that direct to the solutions of their deforestation problems.

The effective implementation of India's rules and regulations for the forests brought about a good change in their previously dilapidated jungles. Through the help of the Worldwide Bank and the sectors of environmentalists protecting the Earth, the Indian nation gave way to the possibilities that deforestation problems could really be fixed.

The deforestation in India shows the rest of the world that a switch to ecological friendly decisions can help alleviate the world's present condition. If only the rest of the countries allow such kind of help from the experts, then our deforestation problems could possibly be offset in no time.

Determination and eagerness to participate are two of the most crucial values the world must possess in order to preserve the remaining capabilities of our nature.

Thursday 31 March 2011

The Devastating Effects Of Deforestation

Human beings have always been and possibly will be dependent on forests to some extent. Trees were there form of homes, their natural world, their mine for food and their shelter from opponents. Forests are greatly significant to man, and other living creatures as well; and unfortunately, it is one of the largest threats that the world is facing today.

Mainly, the problems we have are due to massive deforestation; and at the present moment, we are realistically experiencing the detrimental effects of deforestation and suffering from them at the same time.

Deforestation can be characterized by the great scale depletion of forests. Deforestation transpires when forests are transformed to barren lands and areas for industrialization, for source of human consumption, and other explanations without adequate restoration of the forests. It is rather the undying damage to the vast land areas on earth; and thus should be stopped and halted before the untoward effects become totally inevitable.

Effects Of Deforestation In The Environment

Forests are one of the most organically distinct areas of the world. Millions of plant and animal species inhabit the forests and may or may not have been classified yet. The unique surroundings of these untouched beauties permit the existence of what we call, biodiversity.

Simply, if the forests are to be destroyed wholly, all forms of biodiversities in it will be swept away. There is no probability of getting them back and having to reconstruct again a forest that is as perfect as the ones we have right now. Furthermore, if these places are completely shattered, the prospect to explore other probabilities would be lost forever.

The effects of deforestation on the coming genre ahead can be absolutely inestimable. Thus, the preservation and the protection against extinction of many species can leave the world with many opportunities open for the forthcoming people ahead. Areas such as medicine and other essential inventions can be gaping for future possibilities for the further advancement of humanity.

Effects Of Deforestation In The Society

Much of the effects of deforestation weigh on the indigenous people bracket; this is because they form the largest inhabitants of the forests plus they earn a living from there too. All other groups affected such as hunters and agriculturists have been greatly tormented by the influx of colossal devastation of the forests. All forms of reproductions which people benefit form these land areas have been stopped; and thus, the whole world also suffered from its inescapable effects.

Indigenous people will become homeless if their form of habitation is taken away from them. The natives of every country would be fleeing to live somewhere else, thus bringing another set of problem for the world to absorb. Since they would assumingly transfer to rural and urban areas, their chances of living are narrowed because unlike city inhabitants, these people know less of the busy and buzzing world.

Overall, the terrible effects of deforestation cannot be compensated by the plans of further world development. No matter what great importance industrialization may bring, we must also consider that nature serves us in far better ways than buildings and other facilities you can see in urbanized areas.

Nature knows how to get back at us, and we can inevitably wait for more disastrous effects if humans to do not stop destroying it.

Monday 28 March 2011

Deforestation A Human Creation

The world paints a grim picture of barren lands and forests. Sadly, it is the work of human hands that deforestation and other earth destroying actions are rising in pace; and the only one who can halt all these activities are the humans themselves. How and when to stop will be two of the questions that will need urgent answers. If such acts will not be controlled, the earth could turn out to be a wasted land in no time.

Perhaps the ones who dare cut tress and kill all else that inhabit them can be named as the evils of our world. After all, no humane creature can ever do such an obliterating act when he knows in his thoughts that it is practically biological killing. Also, a sane mind wouldn't think of harming anyone or anything. Only a monster can do insignificant slaughter for the profit of oneself. You wouldn't want to be named that monster, do you?

Deforestation For Profit

Everyday we see pictures over the internet and the television depicting the wipe-out of forest lands. Did we ever get to question ourselves why such things happen and who are responsible for these acts? Perhaps it is not because we care less about what's happening; it's more of being weak to even stop something this big from happening. But, remember, huge things become possible even if they started small.

Deforestation is one means of earning a living. Yes, this is a sad reality. Since the forest is home to many trees and other significant resources, people have found it to be an avenue to make money. For example, some of the furniture that we use at home have probably been crafted from the forests. How does this happen?

Established furniture companies have been manufacturing their wooden items, surprisingly via legal means, from forests. As to how they get these permits, we do not know. But, one thing’s for sure, they've taken a big cut on probably the biggest forests on the earth and right under our noses!

The other unfortunate thing is that some of the people who should be the key caretakers of the earth allow them to happen. Given our position, it is frustrating to be in a stand where you can do nothing but sit down and wait for graver things to happen. All is not lost, however.

People must remember than even in small ways they can put a halt to the continuing destruction of the earth. If everyone unites to support the green movement, we might just stop these monsters from profiting from our forests. Remember, it is not only unto them that the earth has been entrusted, but to all others, as well.

Reversing Deforestation

Probably, stopping deforestation or reversing an already damaged land is one of the hardest things to do. In reality, one has to be powerful enough to get in control of the situation. However, if we render an ample amount of support to the movements that fight against deforestation and believe in the restoration of the earth, we can go hand in hand with nature.

Try picturing this out: if each individual would contribute even a small effort, there would be bigger possibilities that the earth will be saved. No matter how small your labors may be, they would surely mean a lot in the restoration of our disturbed natural resources.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

The Positive and Negatives of Deforestation

The Positive and Negatives of Deforestation

Earth and the lives of everything that depends on it - from the smallest bacteria to the largest sea creatures - rest on a delicate matter and that is balance. A single, seemingly harmless disturbance in this balance has consequences that are both beneficial and disadvantageous. One of these is deforestation.

Deforestation has always been a practice of many developing communities and has contributed greatly to civilization as we know it today. Unfortunately, much of the ill effects of deforestation is caused by greed, bad agricultural practices and government neglect.

Why forests are important -

Other than for their beauty, forests are highly responsible in keeping and sustaining global ecosystems. In fact, much of the quality of life we enjoy, we owe to the forests. It is also the home of more than half of all creatures and organisms in this planet. From food to life-saving medicines, forests give mankind a variety of gifts that contribute much to our quality of life.

The positive consequences of deforestation -

Depending on the needs of the social group concerned, deforestation has made it possible for communities to be built. Forests make way for residential houses, office buildings and factories. Governments are able to build roads to make trade and transport easier and therefore more convenient to residents.

Deforestation can also mean the conversion of forest land to productive land for agricultural uses. This results in better and more abundant production of food and materials, virtually eradicating periods of want and lack. Economically, deforestation has contributed much in giving many communities the opportunity to make positive changes in their lives.

The negative consequences of deforestation -

Unfortunately, the negative consequences of deforestation far outweigh its positive effects. Here are a few of them:

1. Exposing soil to heat and rain. When forests are cleared, soil cover, which consists mainly of vegetation, is removed as well. This exposes the bare soil to extreme conditions produced by the sun's heat and rainwater.

With these activities alternating, the soil quickly compacts. As rainwater flows, it will wash out the nutrients and other organic materials that make the soil rich and fertile. Add to that the frequent activities of tilling, cropping and grazing which gradually results to the degradation of the soil's quality.

These practices are specially a concern in areas where forest zones are drier. Agriculture practice on top of deforestation can result to the desertification of many areas. Desertification is also a direct result of the demand for the soil to produce more (as a consequence of the increase in human population), thereby decreasing to a significant degree the land's carrying capacity.

2. Flooding. Deforestation can result to watersheds that are no longer able to sustain and regulate water flows from rivers and streams. Trees are highly effective in absorbing water quantities, keeping the amount of water in watersheds to a manageable level. The forest also serves as a cover against erosion. Once they are gone, too much water can result to downstream flooding, many of which have caused disasters in many parts of the world.

As fertile topsoil is eroded and flooded into the lower regions, many coastal fisheries and coral reefs suffer from the sedimentation brought by the flooding. This results to negative effects in the economic viability of many businesses and fatalities in wildlife population.

3. Non-suitability of deforested areas for conversion. Most of the areas that have undergone deforestation are actually unsuitable for long-term agricultural use such as ranching and farming. Once deprived of their forest cover, the lands rapidly degrade in quality, losing their fertility and arability.

The soil in many deforested areas is also unsuitable for supporting annual crops. Much of the grassy areas are also not as productive compared to more arable soils and are therefore not fit for long-term cattle grazing.

4. The displacement of indigenous communities and their traditional way of life. When governments decide to offer forests for deforestation mainly to open up areas for 'civilized' communities, access to forest resources by indigenous peoples are ignored. In fact, indigenous peoples are hardly included in economic and political decisions that directly affect their lives. This encroachment ignores their rights as much as it takes away the resources that their ancestors have bestowed upon them.

5. The loss in the number of biodiversity. This is probably the most serious consequence of deforestation. Put simply, it means the destruction and extinction of many plant and animal species, many of whom remain unknown and whose benefits will be left undiscovered.

Each year, as deforestation continues, much of the wilderness from which we benefit and would have continued to benefit from will be lost forever. With it are the millions of chances in the form of plants and wildlife that could bring us many economic and medical solutions to pressing problems we currently face.

While it's true deforestation has brought with it opportunities to improve our lives, we have not mastered the right kind of responsibility that goes with having control over our planet's resources. As a result, we and all the other creatures on this planet suffer greatly from the consequences of our actions.

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Saturday 19 March 2011

The Effects of Deforestation

The Effects of Deforestation

Deforestation is the process of converting forested lands into non-forest sites that are ideal for crop raising, urbanization and industrialization. Because deforestation is a serious concept, there are also serious effects to the surroundings.

Effects of deforestation can be classified and grouped into effects to biodiversity, environment and social settings. Because deforestation basically involves killing trees in forests, there are so many effects that can be enumerated as results of the activity.

When forests are killed, nature basically requires people to renew the forest. Reforestation is one concept that is in the opposite direction as deforestation, but is proven to be a much harder effort than deforestation.

So the rate of deforestation has not been offset by the rate of reforestation. Thus, the world is now in a troubled state when it comes to issues concerning the environment.

Pollution is rapidly growing along with population. Forests are greatly helping reduce the amount of pollutants in the air. So, the depletion of these groups of trees is greatly increasing the risk that carbon monoxide would reach the atmosphere and result in the depletion of the ozone layer, which in turn results to global warming.

Environment change

One major effect of deforestation is climate change. Changes to the surroundings done by deforestation work in many ways. One, there is abrupt change in temperatures in the nearby areas. Forests naturally cool down because they help retain moisture in the air.

Second is the long process of global climate change. As mentioned above, deforestation has been found to contribute to global warming or that process when climates around the world become warmer as more harmful rays of the sun comes in through the atmosphere.

The ozone layer is a mass of oxygen or O3 atoms that serves as shield in the atmosphere against the harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. Because ozone is made up of oxygen atoms, oxygen react with carbon monoxide. Such reaction would use up oxygen atoms.

It follows that when there are more carbon monoxide atoms going to the atmosphere, the volume of oxygen would decline. Such is the case of ozone depletion.

The third effect to the environment would be on the water table underneath the ground. Water table is the common source of natural drinking water by people living around forests.

Water table is replenishing. That means, the supply of water underground could also dry up if not replenished regularly. When there is rain, forests hold much of the rainfall to the soil through their roots.

Thus, water sinks in deeper to the ground, and eventually replenishing the supply of water in the water table. Now, imagine what happens when there is not enough forests anymore. Water from rain would simply flow through the soil surface and not be retained by the soil.

Or other than that, the water from rain would not stay in the soil longer, for the process of evaporation would immediately set in. Thus, the water table is not replenished, leading to drying up of wells.

Effect to biodiversity

Forests are natural habitats to many types of animals and organisms. That is why, when there is deforestation, many animals are left without shelters. Those that manage to go through the flat lands and residential sites are then killed by people.

Through the years, it is estimated that there are millions of plant and extinct animal species that have been wiped out because they have been deprived of home. Thus, biodiversity is significantly lowered because of the savage deforestation practices of some people.

Wildlife advocates have been constantly reminding that several wild animals left in the world could still be saved if deforested forests would only be reforested and the practice of slash and burn of forests would be totally abandoned.

Social effects of deforestation

Deforestation is hardly hitting the living conditions of indigenous people who consider forests as their primary habitats. Imagine how they are rendered homeless when forests are depleted. These natives would be forced to live elsewhere, and are usually left to becoming mendicants in rural and urban areas.

Overall, effects of deforestation cannot be offset by the contribution of the practice to development. While it is logical that progress is very much needed by mankind, it must also be noted that nature knows no defeat. Destruct it and it would certainly retaliate, one way or another.

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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Some Of The Facts About Deforestation

Some Of The Facts About Deforestation

Deforestation is a permanent destruction of forests and woods. Deforestation is the conversion of forested area to the non forest land for the use of industrial gain, livestock, and urban use. In the ancient times, most of the land was covered with forests. As the population and other demands damage the earth and it leaded to deforestation.

In all over the world the rate of the destruction of forests is unimaginable. Nearly half of the mature tropical land is destroyed. As the humans are more conscious for searching of new accommodation, and making urban areas, they have become the largest cause of deforestation.

Examples of Deforestation:

Many tropical countries are the victims of deforestation. For example:
• Philippine
• Central America
• Nigeria
• Ethiopia
• Brazil

Other than the beauty, forests are responsible in keeping the world healthy and green. If we are enjoying the quality of life, it's just because of forests. Forests are the gifts that contribute to our quality of life. Deforestation has always been a practice, which is dangerous for lives. Unfortunately all of the negative effects of deforestation are caused by bad agricultural practices, and negligence on the part of government.

Causes of Deforestation:

Deforestation is happening due to many reasons. Some are the common reasons are:
• Urban and Construction purpose
• Population growth
• To grow crops
• Agricultural practices
• To create cattle grazing lands
• Climate change
• Cut the woods for using fuel
• Clearing forests for mining and oil exploitation
• Making roads and highways
• Slash and burn forming techniques
• Wildfire
• Acid rain
• Greenhouse effect
• Making products from woods

Consequences of Deforestation:

There are two types of consequences of deforestation:
• Positive Consequences
• Negative Consequences

Positive Consequences:

Deforestation has made possible the needs of the social groups. Forests are the way for residential houses, building and factories. Roads are building for trading and easier transports. Deforestation also made possible to produce agricultural products. The lands are used for agriculture. This brought more productions of foods and other materials. Economically deforestation contributed much and made positive changes in the lives of humans.

Negative Consequences:

The negative consequences are:
• Exposing of soil
• Flooding
• Drought
• Disruption of water cycle
• Loss of biodiversity
• Climate change
• Desertification
• Shrinking beauty
• Increased population
• Irreversible environmental changes

How to prevent deforestation:

Deforestation should be controlled. There are some suggestions which should be considered.
• Reforestation/Plantation
• Wildlife sanctuaries: not only save the wild animals, but also save the woods and trees.
• Commercial forest plantation
• Water management: improper water management causes the deforestation. This should be controlled.
• Use recycled items
• Farming practices
• Become an advocate: learn how the person can spread the word.
• Support conservative organization: support the organization through donation, money, time etc.

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Monday 14 March 2011

8 Ways To Preventing Deforestation

There have been so many discussions on the effects of deforestation in our environment. These effects range from alarming to catastrophic. We have read newspaper headlines that show the wreckage that natural disasters have done. Flashfloods have not only damaged millions of properties all over the globe but it has also collected lives. Landslides have done the same. These two are the results of nature's balance that has been disturbed--they are the effects of deforestation.

Deforestation is the act of converting patches of forests to become areas of residence or industry. More and more businessmen are pushing through forests to obtain more land. Environment is sacrificed in exchange for profit. And this is a highly disturbing fact.

As an individual or as a part of the global community, you can do something to help prevent deforestation. Maybe you can't fight off illegal loggers with your bear hands but with some basic ways, you can make a difference--no matter how small. Here's a list:

1. If deforestation is a negative event, then a positive event should take place to counter its effects--reforestation. Plant trees and begin doing this in your yard. Trees give off oxygen that is essential for human existence and they, in turn, capture the carbon dioxide that humans and animals exhale. Trees also help in containing water in its roots. With this simple act, you are able to prevent soil erosion, which is the root cause of landslides!

2. Use recycled items such as books or pad paper, toilet paper, even shopping bags. If you can, do not waste any of these products so that no new raw material would be required to replace them.

3. If you are a farmer (or if you know someone who works as a farmer), try to rotate your crops. Instead of using a different portion of land each year, why not use the same portion with different crops? This practice also helps in maintaining the fertility of the soil. With the rotation of crops, not only is there a variety on the harvest each year, there is also the possibility of keeping that portion of land for as long as you can.

4. Cut down only the mature trees. Do not kill baby trees. And for every tree that is lost, plant another one as a replacement.

5. Join environmental awareness groups that would help you be an advocate of reforestation. In Washington, specifically in the Washington Middle School, there was a group of students that established a service-learning project. In their project, they asked a penny from each person. They explained that this money would help in buying acres of the rainforest in Amazon. Once this pushes through, no deforestation could take place in that purchased area.

6. There is a report that in Indonesia and Malaysia, more and more trees are cut down to produce palm oil. This massive destruction in the forests of both countries resulted into the loss of habitat for the native orangutans. With the loss of more trees, more animals become homeless. You can't help prevent this altogether but you can limit your consumption of products that contain palm oil such as breads, chocolates, and even some cosmetics such as shampoo, soap or toothpaste. As to your food consumption, you can begin a diet of roasted or boiled foods instead of frying them.

7. Instead of using firewood, use coals to heat up your fireplaces during the winter season. Remember that it takes only a few hours to consume the firewood but it would take years to grow a single tree. Think twice before purchasing firewood again.

8. Support the laws or programs that were made to protect the forests and to stop any form of deforestation. Programs such as the Tropical Forestry Action Plan have done a major difference on the way deforestation is looked at today. This program spearheaded the discussion of tropical deforestation.

It is imperative to know that there is no such thing as a small, insignificant act when it comes to defeating deforestation. No matter how small your deed maybe, the important thing there is 'every act can make a difference'. Deforestation can be prevented and you can be an active force in achieving that.

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Thursday 10 March 2011

Can Chocolate Lovers and Coffee Drinkers Effect Deforestation

I hear arguments about Chocolate lovers and Coffee Drinkers needing to stop deforestation because it is the forests, more specifically the rainforests that produce the chocolate we eat and the Coffee that people drink. My question is, it seems that the Chocolate making companies and the Coffee Companies would have more to lose. Why don't they buy up big plantations and help save the rainforests? If the rainforests are gone, yes we lose our Chocolate and coffee and possible cancer fighting drugs but they will lose the entire company. So, it seems we all need to do something. I just think that the companies have bigger pockets and more weight to throw around than us little guys. Agree?

Causes of Deforestation

Deforestation is a problem that could lead to disastrous consequences for mankind as a whole. Rapid urbanization is one of the primary causes of deforestation. As cities and towns expand, forests in their surrounding vicinity are being mercilessly cut down in order to make way for suburban townships. The forest cover in many areas is also decreasing since the land is being occupied for farming purposes in many countries. Increased global consumption is another one of the major reasons behind the decreasing forest cover. From paper to wooden furniture, one can imagine an entire host of products that owe their creation to trees and plants.

The Rapid Depletion of the World's Mangrove Forests

Mangroves can be described as 'rainforests by the sea'. Large stretches of the sub-tropical and tropical coastlines of Asia, Africa, Oceania, the Americas and the Caribbean are fringed by mangroves, once estimated to cover an area of over 32 million hectares. Now, less than 15 million hectares remain -less than half the original area. The depletion of the world's mangroves is due to excessive shrimp farms, tourist complexes and intense land development. According to the latest study by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the current rate of mangrove loss is around 1% per annum-or around 150,000 ha of new mangrove area loss per year. Now, the Mangrove Action Project (MAP) is working with other organizations in the global South towards restoring degraded and cleared mangrove areas as a high priority. MAP is especially interested in restoring some of the 250,000 ha of abandoned shrimp farms located in former coastal wetland areas, especially in Asia and Latin America. But, even more importantly, MAP is working to help conserve and protect existing mangrove wetlands around the world.

For many years we have lived with a blind eye towards the many atrocities that are going on in this world.Please visit our site for A Dream for Better world and for Deforestation

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Tuesday 8 March 2011

The Benefits of Deforestation

The Benefits of Deforestation

Whenever people talk about deforestation, usually the things that spring to mind are negative thoughts brought on mostly by media hypes and environmentalist drives. People think about global warming, depletion of natural resources, and the casual extinction of indigenous fauna and flora. Yet people don't seem to realize that there are actually quite a few benefits of deforestation.

One of the easiest benefits of deforestation to spot are the economic ones. Lumber products are one of the most staple constructive materials in human society. Whether it's raw lumber used for making tables and houses, or paper and other wood by-products, we simply cannot live without the use of lumber. Like steel and stone, wood is one of the most basic natural resources, and unlike steel and stone, it is renewable simply by growing more trees. The only real trick to balancing it's consumption is to grow more trees to replace the ones taken.

On a similarly related note, keep in mind that a lot of jobs revolve around the use of lumber. Wood cutters aside, there are those who work in processing plants to make glue from wood sap, process pulp into paper, and others. This is another benefit of deforestation; it opens more job opportunities for people who would otherwise be unemployed. These job opportunities are more than simply a humanitarian concept; society at large would suffer if all of the people working in the wood industry were to suddenly find themselves jobless.

This benefit of deforestation not only covers the people who cut down trees and process them, but also extends to the people who "clean up" after them. For every patch of forest cut down, arable land becomes available for farmers, or can be used as an area to place urban living sites like apartments, houses, and buildings. The number of people employed by such a construction project are many and varied. Or, if the city/government mandates replanting trees to replace the lost ones, then jobs are also provided for those people who do the seeding after a patch of forest is stripped.

Thinking about it, the cleared areas are places which provide a lot of potential for growth, and this is yet another benefit of deforestation. As stated above, arable land is valuable, and the act of deforestation to clear a place for farm land provides a much needed additional food source for man. More often than not, the soil in a forest is much richer than that of regular farm lands because of the wide variety of life it supports. This new land area grants a much needed place to grow a food supply to deal with the planet's steadily expanding population of humanity.

Then, of course, there is the fact that these cleared areas may be razed for urban renewal. Given our burgeoning population growth, additional living areas made on cleared forest land is another benefit of deforestation. These places can be converted into more than just housing areas. Buildings which can house offices for work, or factories to produce clothing and other essential items, or even research facilities for things like new medical or technological advances can be placed in these deforested areas.

Lastly, another benefit of deforestation to consider is the access it provides to other natural resources that may lay within the forest's land area. Some places with heavy forests are home to iron ore, mineral, and even oil deposits which can be used for man's needs. These natural resources would otherwise lay dormant and untapped unless people access them. The act of deforestation may not be entirely necessary to get at these deposits sometimes, but coupled with the advantages given above, the combination of opening up a new mine or oil well when taken with extra living spaces or farm lands for food makes a lot of sense.

So, given all of the benefits of deforestation outlined above, you can see that more often than not, the good outweighs the bad. The planet's environment may indeed suffer from the effects of deforestation, but that is due to irresponsible use of the resources and other benefits provided, not the deforestation itself. As people living on the planet, our duty is not to "hold back" and stop cutting trees. It is to use what we glean from the Earth responsibly and wisely for humanity and the planet's benefit.

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Sunday 6 March 2011

Deforestation Information You Should Not Miss

Deforestation Information You Should Not Miss

Deforestation is a term that, at it's simplest, means the destruction of a forest. It can apply to natural forces that destroy a system of trees, like a forest fire or a disease which kills off all the plant life in a given area. However, recently the term deforestation has come to apply to the casual destruction of a forest through artificial, human controlled means.

One of the most common reasons a forest is destroyed by man is for lumber. Wood is one of the most basic of commodities, and vital to the survival of man. This need can be taken to extremes, however, and some people strip all the trees in a given area and render them into lumber and wood by products like glue and paper. In cases like these, the term deforestation applies not only to the loss of the trees, but the forest's inability to cope with the loss by natural seed germination. In simple terms, the number of trees that get destroyed are at a higher and faster rate than the forest can grow now ones back.

Another common deforestation information that brings about its occurrence is the conversion of the land on which the trees are into arable farm land. With mankind's needs for food increasing with a burgeoning population, the land areas covered by forests are razed by builders who take over the land and either convert it into pasture lands for animal grazing or for farm lands for growing crops. Since the land is converted into something beneficient for man's needs, this type of deforestation is considered to be the most benign, especially if the cut trees are also used for lumber instead of simply discarded.

However, one form of deforestation for creating farm lands is highly frowned upon, both for it's sheer destructiveness and waste of resources. This is the use of fire to clear a forest away. In some third world countries, farmers who want to use a certain patch of land for crops or grazing fields will resort to fire as the quickest and simplest means of clearing away large tracts of forest. This is both a safety hazard and a waste, not only because the fire may rage out of control and consume the entire forest, but also because the trees, which might have been converted into useful lumber products, are simply destroyed outright. This also causes damage to the soil of the cleared land, so that crops grown there are substandard quality. Knowing this deforestation information will save not only forests but consequently, humans, too.

Another deforestation information is the reason for deforestation that can sometimes be a cause of controversy is the razing of a forest for urban renewal. This basically means that trees in an area get cut down so that the land itself may be used as a place to construct urban architecture like houses, apartment complexes, and buildings. The reason for the controversy is because of the potentially damaging effects the loss of a large number of trees will have on the environment. Compromises have been reached where such razed sites will often have their own parks where trees, grass, bushes, and other vegetation are planted, nurtured, and allowed to grow.

The last reason for deforestation is for mining and petroleum. Some forested areas have high concentrations of iron ore, mineral, and oil deposits which are valuable natural resources. Under normal, acceptable circumstances, the trees in the given area are rendered into lumber and used productively, and only when the area is clear of trees is the mining begun. However, in some areas, again notably third world countries, the "quick and dirty" solution of burning down the forest is used to clear the land and get to the mineral deposits as quickly as possible. This type of deforestation is a waste of what would otherwise have been productive lumber.

Aside from the waste of trees through fire-type deforestation, another reason it is frowned upon is it's impact on the environment. Forest systems have a huge effect on the atmosphere, not only by generating breathable air, but by controlling the amount of moisture that cycles in the air. Deforestation has been known to have an adverse effect on weather patterns. Another ecological effect of deforestation is flash floods. In some climates, forests take in the water from heavy rainfalls, so that little if any excess water reaches the lower landscapes. The sudden loss of trees in such areas gives the water from such rainfalls only one place to go - nearby settled human habitations. This results in heavy floods and similar disasters.

Lastly, it should be noted that forests support their own eco systems, with balanced flora and fauna. Deforestation has been known to render some species extinct or near-extinct simply by removing the places where these animals live or these plants grow. Given that some of the largest contributions to modern medicine have been made by studying rare plants and animals, it is also widely held that deforestation robs man of the potential benefits he might otherwise have discovered in the destroyed forests. If you don't take into heart the abovementioned deforestation information, it's almost like you've dug your own grave.

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Friday 4 March 2011

Can You Stop Deforestation

Can You Stop Deforestation

Deforestation has rapidly destroyed much of the planet's forests for years. One major challenge for governments and environmentalists alike would be how to stop deforestation so current environmental conditions would not come to worse.

In the past centuries, people have been naturally cutting down trees and burning down forests. Take note that hundreds of years ago, most of the earth's land surface had been covered by forests.

So to be able to construct residential areas and establish villages, people had to destroy some forests. As population grew through the years, there are much development that needs to be achieved.

Poverty and over population had rapidly caused alarms to governments around the world. People in the past decades had been troubled at how they could generate earnings to feed themselves and their children.

Agriculture once was the principal source of families' incomes. But people grew impatient. Until the middle of the 20th century, people had readily embraced industrialization, which was touted as the easy way out to poverty, employment and slow production.

Surely, development was spurred, jobs were created, new industries emerged. But something had to give in. In exchange to the fast budding of factories and different industries, forests were depleted.

Since the Industrialization revolution, the total forest covers of the earth has drastically lessened. Biodiversities were affected, and overall climate changes and environmental denudation were spurred.

It is now time to slow down or eliminate deforestation. Stopping deforestation would be easy if people would just cooperate with one another in that single initiative.

Stopping deforestation

Indeed, environmentalists and forestry advocates have been reminding people and governments to immediately act on the problem regarding continued deforestation practices all around the world.

Deforestation could be slowly stopped if people would be more environmentally conscious. That means, to accelerate efforts in stopping deforestation, initiatives have to be started by you.

As a suggestion, the significant contribution you could do is to help curtail the demand for products that are reliant on deforestation. It does not necessarily mean that you would boycott products.

It means that you could start by advocating and participating in recycling programs. Paper is made from barks of trees that are in turn, mostly coming from forests. Did you know that you could recycle paper?

There are industries that are focused at recycling paper. Old and used paper would just be processed and turned into new paper products. If the practice becomes wide-scaled, the number of trees that has to be cut down would be reduced.

Stopping deforestation practices

Governments around the world should also start implementing legislations that would effectively prevent the continued practice of deforestation. Sanctions should be given to violating parties. That way, there would be less people and companies that would engage in slash and burn practices.

Rain and dry forests should be protected by governments. They can be declared national properties, so no businesses can ever touch them. They can also be turned into national parks; thus, the overall state of these forests could be effectively preserved.


Reforestation is the opposite of deforestation. If deforestation can be considered wounding of nature, reforestation is the sought-after healing process. In reforestation, forests are replanted with trees. In years, the forests would be much alive again.

Since the practice of deforestation in some cases could not be avoided, it can be regulated so as not to create negative impact to the environment and to biodiversity.

Deforestation could be slowed down. To do this, trees could be cut at slower rates. For each cut tree, a new one should be replanted. By that, logging activities would not be entirely scrapped, and at the same time, forests are renewed.

People should also stop denuding mountains and forests so they could establish new villages or use the land for other purposes. There are special cropping techniques that would enable planting of crops within forests. The concept of intercropping is not very familiar, but would be of great help to anti-deforestation initiatives if taken seriously.

If people do not act immediately to curb deforestation for good, experts estimate that in 30 years time from now, the earth's surface would be left naked, without forests.

Catastrophic changes would be felt through harsh weather conditions, flash floods and landslides. The earth's geographic surface could also be altered due to adverse weathering caused by climate changes and the absence of natural soil protection.

Help stop deforestation now before it becomes too late.

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Monday 28 February 2011

What Is Deforestation Knowledge Is Power

What Is Deforestation Knowledge Is Power

Mankind is feeling the wrath of nature. It seems that more and more natural disasters are taking place; and this has led to consciousness about the earth’s resources. Forests are the most affected ecosystem in the planet. This is probably due to the fact that basic necessities need trees as a raw material.

What is even more appalling is man’s desire for wider land areas, so they cut off more trees in order to convert the area into a housing community or subdivision; and an agricultural land or worse, a dump site – this perhaps can be the answer to what is deforestation.

By Definition

By definition, deforestation means the cutting or removal of trees from woodlands or forests in order to convert the land into commercial or logging reasons or for whatever purpose it may serve them. Generally, deforestation denotes the extraction of trees without sufficient reforestation or effort to replant a tree elsewhere to replace the one that has been cut.

Since time immemorial, man has been making the environment adapt to the civilizations' growing needs. First it was cutting trees down to use for kindling, next it was for shelter, and then for paper and other products. Thousands of forests have been cleared all over the world to pave way for man’s innovations and spatial requirements. It seems that forests are present to cater to man’s needs and whims.

Raising Consciousness

It is human nature to be moved into action when our sense of well being becomes endangered. This is undoubtedly the reason why most people are becoming concerned over deforestation.

The easiest way to make people care is to emphasize the benefits of forests and woodland, and to show how its depletion will radically change our lives for the worst. First off, deforestation revolves around a number of issues but none as totally important as the two key subjects that we must be aware of: the primary concern is global warming or green house effect, the secondary matter is the question of whether the trees are utilized properly and if reforestation efforts are being made.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide, helping reduce the amount of carbon released into our atmosphere. Deforestation kills the trees that help prevent greenhouse effect. Green house effect accounts for the Earth's over all temperature rises, thus causing bizarre weather patterns. That is why the frequency of droughts, floods, tidal waves, and other natural disasters have risen.

The second concern is that the trees being cleared to pave way for metropolis are simply slashed and burned. Aside from the excessive emission of carbon dioxide brought about by burning wood, there is the apprehension that the trees would have been put to better use providing shelter for the homeless, building materials or other useful undertakings. The subsequent effects are truly devastating. Who knew that deforestation can cause so much head ache?

Yes, who knew? If only people have taken the time to inform themselves then they would have been able to make informed decisions and fight for what is right.

What Can You Do To Help?

Since you are now knowledgeable of what is deforestation, it would be of much help to lead in the initial steps to change. Are you thinking what a lowly individual can do to help? Well, small steps make a huge difference especially when everyone is working at the same goal. Armed with the knowledge of the disasters that deforestation can bring about will definitely make a person regulate his or her actions.

Start by conserving the most basic of household materials like paper towels, napkins and tissue papers. Recycling and knowing how to recycle materials will greatly help find a solution to green house emissions. Next is to be pro active and help educate other people by joining campaign groups who fight against deforestation.

Generally you don’t have to be like a crazy person shouting at the streets and joining rallies, begin by changing your attitude and outlook and then you will see that little things do make a difference.