Wednesday 29 December 2010

Deforestation Take Steps to Overcome the Problem

Deforestation  Take Steps to Overcome the Problem

Deforestation is not all that serious is it? After all, it only affects small pockets of the world and doesn't receive the same coverage as global warming or climate change.

It is this type of mentality that is dangerous to everyone. Deforestation certainly is serious and demands everyone's attention, not just a few people who show concern about the matter. It may be true that deforestation does not occur in every single area of the world that has trees, but that is partially due to the fact that so much of the planet is carpeted with forests. Unfortunately, too much of humanity has taken the abundance of trees for granted and has turned a blind eye to the frightening pace at which they are being removed. It is easy to forget that tropical rainforests alone are losing over 80,000 acres per day because there remains so much untouched acreage worldwide.

Part of the reason we don't hear as much about deforestation as other ecological issues is because it hasn't yet reached critical mass. The negative effects of deforestation are not yet irreversible, but we need to address them before we reach the point of no return. It is possible to leave the forests that have not yet felt the hand of deforestation unspoiled and revive those that have simply by changing our habits and making a call for action.

One obvious cause of deforestation is the sheer amount of paper products humans consume. Paper comes from trees, and the more paper products we use, the more trees are lost. The solution here is not as easy as simply banning the lumber industry from cutting down trees in certain areas. In fact, this solution is not easy at all, because it would be counterproductive. There is a significant population that lives near forest land that is poor, especially farmers, who depend on some trees being removed in order to slightly increase farmland that they may till and harvest in order to carve out a meager living. Those of us who do not depend on the land in order to survive may not be aware of this issue and that is why we must take advantage of our position and make some sacrifices.

And if you think about it, using fewer paper products such as printer paper, paper towels, facial tissues, and paper plates doesn't take all that much effort. The internet has already reduced the need for so much paper required to print magazines, books, and letters by digitizing so many of the media we use to communicate. Best of all, printer paper does not need to be used at record paces because of wonderful technology like flash drives and hard drives. If you need to retain of copy of a receipt or a piece of correspondence, save it to the hard drive of your computer and back it up on an external drive such as a flash. This way you won't have to print out a copy that you would place somewhere and lose anyway.

When it comes to reducing the amount of trees felled in the name of paper, recycling is one of the most effective solutions. Instead of absent-mindedly tossing paper in the trash can, put it in a recycling receptacle. Not only does this keep the landfills clear of items that hinder their ability to store items that don't easily biodegrade, the paper can be recycled into new paper products. It doesn't take a large stretch of the imagination to realize a much slower rate of deforestation if everyone placed paper plates, cups, and unimportant letters in the recycle bin. If we use one cup, plate, and piece of paper for every one we recycle, the ratio is 1:1, putting much less strain on the world's forests.

Several cities worldwide also provide recycling incentives in the form of tax credits or rebates for those who enroll in a recycling program. Through these programs, it is apparent that governments are beginning to understand the importance of reducing deforestation (as well as pollution). Many governments are also jumping on board the renewable energy initiative and setting aside funds to encourage research and development of alternative energy programs. Now would be a good time to appeal to the conservation sensibilities that several countries' governments currently maintain and acquire funding to combat deforestation. If large timber corporations are unwilling to change their harvesting methods, it may help to develop other techniques and educate them on these procedures. If this is unsuccessful, it is possible to direct the funds toward reforestation programs and education to those who may need guidance on how they may help. Timber plantations are also an opportunity for governments to show their citizens that they are serious about curbing deforestation. Once these plantations mature and it can be shown how much product they can yield, maybe we can be convinced to leave the trees that have been given to us naturally alone.

If each of us makes an effort, even one as easy as recycling, deforestation will take much less of a toll on our lives. When everyone pitches in, the end of deforestation is possible.

New-Energy-Portal is trusted and reliable business directory to get an comprehensive approach to deforestation, method to reduce deforestation and its harmful effects.

Article Source:!&id=4803837

Friday 24 December 2010

Deforestation And Climate Change A Major Impact

Deforestation And Climate Change A Major Impact

The planet was once protected with ancient forests; it has been a shelter to almost 50% of all the animals and plants confined in lands. Also, the worldwide population depends on them for survival. The most diverse ecological units exist in these forests, and they serve essential help to our planet especially in matters regulating the climate. This is the very reason why deforestation and climate changes go hand in hand. Where deforestation is, climate alteration always follows.

Unfortunately, the forests that should be the world's shield to the growing global warming are now under threat; almost 80% of the vast land areas all over the earth have been wiped out. Everything went by in a matter of 30 years, and the foundation is due to human doings such as destructive logging and agricultural land transformations. The fact that deforestation is the second cause to climate change should alert every human being in order to put to a stop to anything that may interrupt our normal ecosystem. If no moves would be done, further retaliation of nature would surely come to pass.

Major Carbon Storehouses

It is increasingly clear that our ancient forests play a crucial role in the regulation of world climate through carbon storage and water recycle back into the atmosphere. It is a fact that the green areas of the earth are regulators of climate, and destruction of that area means contributing to a climate change. Eighteen percent of all carbon emissions come from deforestation. Instead of the forest protecting us from disastrous effects, man made phenomenon make them our source of devastation instead.

Full grown forests are the greatest keepers of carbon dioxide. Other "keepers" include: the earth soil, the plant life, and the smallest and biggest trees. Some popular forests such that of Congo represent one of the planet's enormous carbon sources on land, and destruction of it may cause more greenhouse gas to get trapped in the atmosphere.

The carbon is emitted from the green life through logging, burning and rotting. If these illegal activities happen frequently and continuously in all parts of the world, then the levels of carbon trapped in our environment is exceedingly augmented. Climate changes happen abruptly and changes in the world environment would slowly take place.

Deforestation and Its Effect On Climate Change

When deforestation is made, climate changes begin to progress over a period of time. The gradual modification in climate show insignificant numbers, but it affects the earth in great ways. The following are some examples of global changes after massive deforestation: temperature of global surface has increased to 1°F, precipitation events happen around the world and in extreme cases, snow capped mountains have decreased in cover, sea levels have risen, and thawing of permafrost has slowly been happening over the years.

It is said that in a matter of 50 decades, the world may be in an irreversible state already. If things could be prevented now, then it is highly suggested that every human take part in preserving the world.

Controlling Climate Changes

If deforestation and climate changes go together, then unbinding them would be the first step to problem solving. Deforestation and other causes of climate alteration should initially be stopped so that further effects cannot take place. However, the only key to ending deforestation is through mankind.

If no human effort is exerted, then all else will be impossible to do.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Human Population And Deforestation

The term human population and deforestation have been used interchangeably through the thickness of time. Could this mean that the growing crowd of humans be the leading cause of our forest depletion today? Well, possibly that could really be the case.

After all, humans are responsible for everything that's happening in the planet, from the cutting of trees to the widening of roads and to the construction of infrastructures. They say that humans build for a better world, but is that really their purpose? Are humans actually building for the world or are they fostering for themselves?

It is unrealistic to emphasize the magnitude of destruction of humankind's wiping out of the forests. The conversion of forested lands by human deeds denotes one of the greatest threats in global environmental variation and one of the eminent drivers to biodiversity death. The influence and bearing of the people has been and carries on to be extremely overpowering.

Our vast resources are cleared, corrupted and disintegrated by lumber garner, transformation to crop growing, road construction, man made fires, and in countless further ways. The attempt to utilize and mollify the forest has been an invariable premise in the revolution of the earth, in various communities, and in many countries. Deforestation and human growth has indeed brought a heap of implications in our planet.

The Historical Trends

Presently, deforestation research and studies show a few conclusions that can be made. At minimal population mass, it is achievable to preserve intact forests with vast land areas. Instead of the population being sustained primarily through agricultural land transformations, they can easily be fed with only small harvests with no particular need for land cultivation.

However, even in lightly inhabited locations, outside forces such as stipulation for cattle and lumber in other parts of the world can result to deforestation that is not directly associated to the confined population. This has proven to be one of the leads to deforestation in huge forests such that of the Amazon. They produce not for their own sustenance, but for the neighboring needs of other growing countries.

As the population increases, the demand to clear more forests also increase; likewise, the need for indispensable consumption drives people towards nature since there are no other viable forms of human survival. It is only a basic instinct to man that he feeds himself for the issue of continued existence. However, there can be methods to preserve the forest and yet still benefit from it. Usually, greed and power result to the damaging effects of deforestation. If it is controlled in rate, then the possibility of not harming the nature is a likely thing to happen.

What Man Can Do

Clearly, human population and deforestation are inseparable terms. Where there is a call for food, the need for land also arises; and the demand of logging and agricultural cultivation happens widely all over the planet. The means of not harming the earth while still surviving is very attainable. In bringing this to reality, we need men who are honored and dignified enough to protect the earth and its resources. The humans need to safeguard their treasures which they can benefit from all the time.

Nature finds its way back at us when we know how to nurture and nourish it. What man can do is simply about what man is willing to do.

Sunday 19 December 2010

Deforestation In Canada A Change

Deforestation In Canada A Change

Disasters can carve up to two sorts, one is by natural means and the other is through human behavior. The latter type provides the widest coverage of all, and is the most irreparable in form. If humans find their way to nature destruction, there's truly no stopping to it and there is definitely no turning back.

Hence, when people cause damage, it is mostly permanent and non-negotiable. Perhaps this provides us a reason why we should be careful with our steps. One good example is the deforestation in Canada which lead to a demise of almost three quarters of our natural vegetation. The outcome could no longer be reversed, and the results will be suffered by the global population throughout time.

The continued existence of the forests depends greatly on our protection. Social, ecological and economic values should be practiced by the Earth's inhabitants in order to aid the world through recovery. The urgent need to plant and conserve the natural resources has already been called, and it needs wary listeners to make things truly take place. Without support from all sectors of the populace, the drive to change would result to failure.

Ecological Crisis In Canada

Boreal forests found in Canada are fundamental to the wellbeing of the planet. Mature forests in particular take part in a crucial role in stocking up water and carbon dioxide, straining air, mediating the climate, preserving land and making available the habitat for the natural world. But in spite of the forests' uses, statistics show that we are losing over 16 million hectares of green lands each year. The outcome leads to biodiversity demise, greenhouse gases storage, and loss of shelter of the indigenous people.

Like all other forests in the world, Canada has also suffered from the effects of deforestation. Their green land areas are already thinning and are slowly going into the realm of extinction. If this state shall continue to go on for another 30 years, then the Canadian forests can possibly be wiped out and erased from the Earth's map. It would be replaced with barren areas of useless, ineffective lands.

The Four Programs Built For Recovery

There are four projects specifically designed for the salvation of the Canadian forests, namely: Human Resource Strengthening, Greening Activities, Capturing Forest Values and Global Information. It is essential to follow the steps to recovery in order to reach the goal in saving their remaining forests.

Human Resource Strengthening refers to the holistic approaches in touching the forests but not destroying it. The aim is to prepare plans which are properly organized in such a way that people can still benefit from nature and at the same time retain the safety of the ecological system.

Greening Activities promote tree planting activities. Its objective is to preserve and restore nature's capabilities. Plants grow in abundance through tree planting projects which lead to the partial restoration of nature.

Capturing Forest Values is done through the promotion of other resources such as fuel wood, energy and ecotourism. Its objective is to redirect the focus of people to a substitute in order to move the attention of humankind to further sources other than the forest alone.

Lastly, Global Information is promoted by giving knowledge to people regarding the plans to be made and the actions to be taken. Its value is on widespread publication of the global issues.

Whichever program you use, the important thing is that you will follow it and adhere to the plans accordingly. All these programs will be put to waste if there are no obedient people along the road. The problems of deforestation in Canada can only be addressed to by people who do not refuse the challenge to restoration.

What the nation needs are people who know and believe at the power of change through strict compliance with government laws.

Monday 13 December 2010

Deforestation Some Facts And Myths

Deforestation Some Facts And Myths

Deforestation facts include those which say that it is both a positive and a negative process. Although many humans think ugly things when they hear of deforestation, not all media hypes they listen to is true. Some may be speaking the truth and others may not, but the important thing is knowing that the information you receive is credible enough to be believed upon.

Whenever the topic of deforestation is brought up, the usual things that spring in people's minds are mostly negative thoughts. Perhaps, the environmentalists' point of view plus the media drove people to feeling this way about deforestation. However, not all that everybody presumes is true, some of it may contain an ample amount of truth but not totally factual. To remove bias off the system, it is essential to check the fine line between what is good and what is bad in deforestation. Of course, the greater good tells us that deforestation is something negative, but let us try to see why deforestation could also benefit mankind.

Are There Really Benefits In Deforestation?

Deforestation has been practiced worldwide by many developing countries; it has contributed much to the present civilization. Regrettably, men used it for greed which inevitably resulted to unpleasant effects. The agricultural practices that were once known to do good to people are now considered damaging rather than benefiting; and government neglect has become so rampant that deforestation has never been controlled through the thickness of time.

At a time though, deforestation has shown us some of its greatest profits; and these were all directed for the use and consumption of men. If handled controllably, then it could not have resulted to the way things are at the present moment.

Here are among the most treasured benefits that deforestation once brought to the civilization: forests made it possible to widen the human world; conversion of forested areas to cultivated lands for food and raw material growth; huge source of lumber for manufacturing purposes such as furniture, houses, and even napkins and toilet papers; and lastly, deforestation made it possible to get millions of people employed in the lumber industry or some other huge corporations.

True enough, there are benefits that can be derived from deforestation. However, one should be responsible and conscientious enough to make sure that deforestation won't lead to greed for money. Nevertheless, it is quite late to say now that men have not been using deforestation as a means of earning a good living. More and more people destroy our forests to profit and make money out of it. Even if deforestation offers a heap of benefits, humans should always try to see its many drawbacks too.

The Myths

Although there are quite a number of advantages in clearing the woods, the good it that brings does not outweigh the evil it possesses. Even if it may be true that it brought help to mankind, the disastrous outcomes alongside with it should also be looked into. The deforestation facts will help make us realize what a myth is and what is not. Myths are often talked about topics that are considered a history because it is not factual at all.

Just like deforestation, its advantages are frequently the topics nowadays, but its drawbacks are far greater than the good it brings; thus, every "good" there is in deforestation should be considered a myth.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Deforestation Facts

Deforestation Facts

A blog to help you sort fact from fiction with deforestation and how and where it's used and the effect it may be having on the world.

Saturday 11 December 2010

The Critical Path To Control Deforestation

It is at increasingly alarming rates at which deforestation runs right now. More than 80% of the forested areas have been compromised since the year 2003. If you try to take a look at the satellite overviews of deforested sites, you can almost actually see that there is nothing left of the green lands that we richly used to possess.

Now, you can only watch bits and pieces of it floating separately and widely away from each other. Controlling deforestation is a controversial issue these days; and the means of plotting the rate is available for man to use. However, man could be the only key for the future survival of the planet. Without much enthusiasm and care for the remaining part of nature, it is likely to flourish one day without us knowing about it.

The Earth is totally threatened by the loss of nature because it remains to be our number one hope in breathing and living on this planet. Unbeknownst to many, the biggest forests are the homes of carbon and the lungs of the earth. Without them functioning properly, our vital means to live will be lost; and there is no way of taking it back anymore. The support nature gives us should be repaid with utmost care and affection. Man should follow the path to nature restoration before everything else gets out of control.

Simple Ways You Can Do To Preserve Nature

There are complex ways where we can reach our hands out to nature. First, distinguish environmental necessities from luxuries. The latter are the ones that are nice to have but are actually costless. Necessities are the basic things we must have in order to survive. Combat ecological change through knowing what can be eliminated and what should be retained. All that threatens nature, safety of the people, and health should be disregarded.

Simple ways such as saving paper, fixing car fumes, and lessening energy consumption could always be ways to help nature minimize the floating carbon dioxide in the air. These greenhouse gasses are answerable for destroying the ozone, which then is responsible for the UV rays coming in. You see, if we do not take part in the preservation of wildlife, we can lose the battle at any time of the day.

Bigger contributions to nature's rehabilitation are replanting and controlling the degree of damage to the forested lands. Government policies should strictly be implemented and followed. Illegal use of the forest and its natural inhabitants should thus be constrained. If people are governed by laws which threaten them, they will surely back off from any unlawful and illegitimate activity.

The Future Paths

The future path of deforestation actually depends on human answers and decisions. The endpoint is obviously fatal if things continually get out of hand. Various remodeling and rebuilding efforts are on the move right now; and if the trends continue to rise the good way, the scenario can be totally overwhelming.

Government reinforcement should clearly be demonstrated to finally control deforestation rates and to put unlawful programs to an end. Creation of repression and reserves are the measures used to finally stop unauthorized practice. If things go about this way, and if people are eager to follow, the future path of the world can clearly be predicted.

The critical step to controlling deforestation is asking people to join. Without the world's largest number of inhabitants on the move, our drive to halt deforestation could not take place. The support that the government and the citizens can give is the most crucial ingredient to finally say goodbye to such unlawful practice.